"For the past 10 years, my weight has been a sore subject. First came the college pounds, then the relationship pounds, and finally, in two rounds, the pregnancy pounds.
Along the way, I tried various diets, but the weight always just went up.
I clearly needed more help, so I signed up for a clinical trial where, with the help of Nupo, dietitian consultations, and exercise, I could make yet another attempt to shed the excess weight.
The trial was a huge success, and for the first time ever, I really felt that things were moving in the right direction.
I have shed 10 kg so far but I am still completely motiovated and is still using both weight loss medicine and Nupo.
Nupo made it easy to eat healthily, and the consultations with the dietitian helped me establish new habits in a new daily routine.
Even though the trial is over, I’ve chosen to continue with both the dietitian consultations, Wegovy, and of course – Nupo.
Today, I typically drink a chocolate shake in the morning and eat a Nupo meal replacement bar when I get a little hungry.
Besides that, I eat dinner with my family and don’t say no to ice cream if it’s time to enjoy a treat.
Despite this, I can just say that my weight is still going in the right direction – and for the first time in a long while, I can recognize myself in the mirror."